Public Speaking: I Am An Imposter

Most of my public speaking clients have the same mantra: "The audience will know I am an imposter. They will question my research, they will know I am not a thought leader, they will hate my clothing, and it's too bad my speaking and writing skills suck."

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Joia Nuri

But here's an essential piece of advice to understand when it is talking. How do you feel? The inner critic is talking if you feel anxious and afraid, if you feel uneasy, filled with doubt during the thought process, then your inner critic is carrying on. I can hear you laughing because you're saying to yourself, "…then my inner critic is always talking!" Not only are you ruminating on what can go wrong and remembering everything that went wrong before, but there is also no quiet space in your head to find a workable solution reflecting your true ability. When this happens, I highly recommend you lean on the tools I list in this blog.

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Joia Nuri